Your car comes from the dealer fully equipped with everything you need to keep you going. However, if you want better performance, you can go for a modification to keep it at a higher notch than ever before. With modification, you can outfit its performance, improve its handling, or you can go for forced induction/ nitrous oxide if you want to give it a high speed performance.

Reprogram your engine control unit. The engine control unit (ECU) in modern cars keeps the engine running smoothly. The ECU adjusts the air/fuel ratio of your engine to keep things consistent regardless of air density (altitude) and temperature. If your engine begins to run lean (too much oxygen), the ECU will add fuel to the mixture to re-achieve balance, and vice versa if the engine starts to run rich (too much fuel).

Upgrade your brakes. One could argue that being able to stop is the most important part of any car’s performance. The better quality your brakes, the longer you can wait to engage them before a turn, which means maintaining a higher rate of speed longer than your competitors. You have lots of options when it comes to upgrading your brakes, from purchasing better brake pads to replacing the entire system with larger, heavier duty components

Supercharge your car. Centrifugal superchargers and turbochargers work in very similar ways. While a turbocharger is powered by the exhaust leaving the engine, superchargers are belt driven like your car’s power steering pump or air conditioner. Being belt driven means superchargers aren’t as efficient as turbochargers, but they don’t have to wait to be spooled by the exhaust. Because of this distinction, many people prefer superchargers for their more consistent distribution of power. Installing a supercharger kit involves most of the same modifications required for turbochargers in terms of fuel.

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So you want to modify your automobile to suit your desired look and function, well, remember this comes with a cost. Your auto insurer should also know about the changes you are making on the automobile, of which they may charge you some extra cash, but it is better if they know so that you can agree on the next step to take.

Always tell insurers about modifications made to your car, as not declaring could invalidate your policy. When you run quotes with MoneySuperMarekt you’ll be asked about modifications on the application screen – make sure you don’t leave anything out.

If you’re changing your car from the factory specification, always tell your insurer at the time you make a change. Different insurers have a different view on what constitutes a modification, so it is always best to check whether your insurance policy is impacted.

When renewing insurance for a modified car, always run a number of quotes as this could be an easy way to save money. Each insurer has a different view on risk, so comparison is a good way to find the cheapest.

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Car modification may be a great way to make your vehicle the best ride you want on the road. However, some modifications may be risky for you and your car as well. Sound and electronic modification and raised or lowered vehicle may be vulnerable to accidents and other road perils.

Sound modifications

Not only may sound modifications be illegal – they can present a serious hazard on the roadways. Loud vehicle sounds can prevent drivers from hearing sirens or noticing other hazardous road conditions, which may contribute to an accident. Keep your vehicle safe and legal by avoiding loud stereo modifications and exhausts.

Electric modifications

DIY modifications to the electrical circuits can be a fire or accident hazard. One common and dangerous mistake involves attaching a wire straight through the dash without using a rubber grommet for protection. Any modification that is not carefully installed can become more of a hazard on the roadway, even if the modification is technically legal.

Raised or lowered vehicles

Raised vehicles, while improving your line of sight in the front, may also create blind spots. They are also at a higher risk for rollover accidents and injuries. Lowered vehicles may have such a low clearance. Potholes, debris, or other roadway hazards can lead to an accident.

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